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will u sacrifice a melon for a sesame seed? prob not, but the monkey in that story was absoulute crap.The monkey{weilding tremendous strength ==''} actually flung the melon over its head and picked upa single sesame seed.DAMN IT THESE KINDS OF STORY TRICK CHILDREN!!!Kay I just finished reading the whole of The Complete Adventures Of Charlie And Mr Willy Wonka.The stupid story consist of trogglenots, dangbats, Knids and I-dun-noe-whats.Oh, not forgettting the Oompa Loompas.Omg what do they take us for, 3-year-olds!?It had been a worthless day.So was yesterday.I didnt do ANY homework today. 8)Im so doomed when school reopens.Also ,I lost my NYAA the holiday assignment...Come to think of it, I nvr play frisbee during the hols anyway... SO WHO CARES. BD

3second rule applies
northview primary}unity primary}commonwealth sec}np
Noms: cake, pie, cheese, chips, mexican food, ice cream, curry, cookie, pocky
Naruto, lucky star, chi's sweet home, kuroshitsuji, I've watched many more...
will u sacrifice a melon for a sesame seed? prob not, but the monkey in that story was absoulute crap.The monkey{weilding tremendous strength ==''} actually flung the melon over its head and picked upa single sesame seed.DAMN IT THESE KINDS OF STORY TRICK CHILDREN!!!Kay I just finished reading the whole of The Complete Adventures Of Charlie And Mr Willy Wonka.The stupid story consist of trogglenots, dangbats, Knids and I-dun-noe-whats.Oh, not forgettting the Oompa Loompas.Omg what do they take us for, 3-year-olds!?It had been a worthless day.So was yesterday.I didnt do ANY homework today. 8)Im so doomed when school reopens.Also ,I lost my NYAA the holiday assignment...Come to think of it, I nvr play frisbee during the hols anyway... SO WHO CARES. BD

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